Drainage and treatment of waste water

Drainage and treatment of waste water

The sewage system is part of the public utility infrastructure whose purpose is to reduce the human impact on the environment, influence the safety and quality of the living environment, and decrease risks that might threaten the health of the inhabitants of the capital and its surroundings.

In addition to the central sewage system in the City Municipality of Ljubljana, extending beyond the borders of the city municipality to areas in the municipalities of Brezovica, Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, Medvode and Škofljica, we also operate local sewage systems with the municipal waste water treatment plants at Črnuče, Brod,  Gameljne and Rakova Jelša. In the municipality of Medvode, we operate the Pirniče and Dragočajna sewage systems, in the municipality of Škofljica the Škofljica and Smrjene sewage systema, and in the Dobrova - Polhov Gradec municipality the systems of Dobrova, Polhov Gradec, Brezje, Šujica, Selo 1 and Selo 2. In the municipality of Horjul, we operate the systems of Horjul, Vrzdenec and Podolnicain the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani, we operate the Podgora sewage system.

The central sewage system of the city of Ljubljana ends with waste water treatment at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant of Ljubljana with a capacity of 360,000 PE. We operate 19 local sewage systems, with the accompanying municipal waste water treatment plants having a total capacity of 19,750 PE. Through 27,100 connections, 31,600 buildings, namely 270,000 inhabitants as well as many industrial and office facilities, are connected to the sewage systems. All sewage systems end in municipal waste water treatment plants.

Sewage systems in Ljubljana and its surroundings managed by JP VOKA SNAGA
The map shows the locations of the sewage system in Ljubljana and its surroundings (managed by JP VOKA SNAGA) with the associated treatment plants.




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